
Formerly Herpes Simplex Plus.

Homeopathic IndicationsHERS:PLUS is for the temporary relief of symptoms of Herpes Simplex such as painful eruptions of lips, genitals, vesicular/blister of lips and genitals, tingling of lips, fatigue, irritability, fever, body aches and burning during urination.

Herpes simplex (HSV) is a virus that causes both oral and genital herpes infections. Herpes simplex type 1 most commonly causes ‘cold sores’ on the face or mouth. However, it can cause genital herpes as well. Herpes simplex type 2, which causes herpes on the genitals, buttocks, or anal area, is a sexually transmitted disease. Infection with the Herpes simplex virus (HSV) Type 1 and Type 2 is very common worldwide. 3.7 billion (67%) of people under age 50 are infected with HSV-1. 417 million people
age 15-49 (11%) are infected with HSV-2.
HSV-1 is highly contagious. Most people are infected with HSV-1 as an infant or a child between the ages of 1 and 5. It is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact with an adult who carries the virus, even if no sores are present. It can also spread through saliva or by touching an object handled by an infected person. About half of the U.S. adult population carries the virus.
HSV-2 is generally spread by genital contact with an infected person. In addition, oral sex with someone with an oral HSV-1 infection can result in a genital HSV-1 infection. HSV-2 is more easily transmitted from men to women, so the infection is more common in women. There are 776,000 new HSV-2 infections per year in the U.S.
Associated Symptoms
In many cases HSV-1 infection is asymptomatic and people are not aware that they have been infected. The main symptom of this infection is painful blisters in or around the mouth, commonly called ‘cold sores’ when on the lips. When the blisters break they leave painful sores that can take several weeks to heal. There is often an itching, tingling or burning sensation before the appearance of the sores.
HSV-2 may also be asymptomatic. Outbreaks consist of one or more painful genital or anal blisters or open sores (ulcers). With both HSV-1 and HSV-2 new infection may also include flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes, body aches and fever. Outbreaks tend to occur several times per year.
HERS:PLUS contains ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
the following:
• Painful eruptions of the lips and genitals
• Vesicular/blister of lips and genitals
• Tingling of lips
• Fatigue
• Irritability
• Fever
• Body aches
• Burning during urination
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
painful eruptions of the lips and genitals:
Allium sativum; Arsenicum album; Clematis erecta; Croton tiglium; Dulcamara;
Graphites; Mercurius sulpheratus ruber; Natrum muriaticum; Nitric acidum;
Petroleum; Rhus toxicodendron; Sarsaparilla; Sepia; Thuja occidentalis
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
vesicular/blister of lips and genitals:
Arsenicum album; Calendula; Clematis erecta; Croton tiglium; Dulcamara;
Graphites; Natrum muriaticum; Nitric acidum; Petroleum; Rhus toxicodendron;
Sarsaparilla; Sepia; Thuja
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
tingling of lips:
Arsenicum album; Croton tiglium; Natrum muriaticum
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
Allium sativum; Arsenicum album; Calendula officinalis; Clematis erecta; Croton tiglium; Dulcamara; Graphites; Mercurius sulpheratus ruber; Natrum
muriaticum; Nitric acidum; Petroleum; Rhus toxicodendron; Sambucus nigra;
Sarsaparilla; Sepia; Thuja occidentalis
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
Arsenicum album; Calendula; Clematis erecta, Croton tiglium, Dulcamara;
Graphites; Mercurius sulpheratus ruber; Natrum muriaticum, Nitric acidum;
Petroleum; Rhus toxicodendron; Sambucus nigra, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Thuja occidentalis
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of fever:
Allium sativum; Arsenicum album; Calendula; Clematis erecta, Croton tiglium,
Dulcamara; Graphites; Mercurius sulpheratus ruber; Natrum muriaticum, Nitric
acidum; Petroleum; Rhus toxicodendron; Sambucus nigra, Sarsaparilla, Sepia,
Thuja occidentalis
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of body
Arsenicum album; Clematis erecta; Croton tiglium; Dulcamara; Graphites;
Mercurius sulpheratus ruber; Natrum muriaticum, Nitric acidum; Petroleum;
Rhus toxicodendron; Sambucus nigra, Sarsaparilla, Sepia, Thuja occidentalis
Traditional homeopathic ingredients to temporarily relieve symptoms of
burning urination:
Arsenicum album; Clematis erecta; Natrum muriaticum; Sarsaparilla; Thuja occidentalis.
  • Calendula Officinalis (2X)
  • Sambucus Nigra (3X)
  • Allium Sativum (6X)
  • Clematis Erecta (6X)
  • Dulcamara (6X)
  • Sarsparilla (6X)
  • Graphites (8X)
  • Petroleum (8X)
  • Arsenicum Album (12X)
  • Croton Tiglium (12X)
  • Mercurius Sulphuratus Ruber (12X)
  • Natrum Muriaticum (12X)
  • Nitricum Acidum (12X)
  • Rhus Tox (12X)
  • Sepia (12X)
  • Thuja Occidentalis (12X)

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