Cangust | Pekana Homeopathic Remedy: Preventative treatment, or follow-up therapy following a heart attack, must complement the glycoside effects, but not interfere with required allopathic drugs. In addition, the therapy should enable the patient to reduce the dosage of prescribed drugs over time.
CANGUST drops provide anti-inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic properties that help prevent coronary insufficiency and sclerosis, but so not disrupt drug therapies. This remedy also prevents hyper-acidification of the heart muscle, making it valuable for prophylaxis of a heart attack.
- Aesculus 2X anti-inflammatory, anti-thrombotic
- Arnica 4X apoplexy, hypertension, stenocardia
- Aurum chloratum 6X irregular hear beat, fear
- Carbo vegetabilis 8X carbonic overload, dyspepsia
- Lachesis 6X septic blood conditions
- Laurocerasus 3X cyanosis, right heart failure
- Tabacum 6X vasovagal syndrome, danger of collapse
- Strophantus 4X increases circulation and systole, strengthens the heart
Aesculus Hippocastanum has several functions in this remedy and is anti- inflammatory, and anti-thrombotic. It treats portal vein blockage and blockage of veins in the pelvic area that ultimately are manifested as hemorrhoids. It is indicated in a threatening apoplexy or following an attack. This plant also improves capillary resistance and blood viscosity, thereby preventing further negative developments.
Arnica montana reduces congestion in the arterial and venous vessels and combats inflammatory tendencies that combined with arteriosclerosis or coronary sclerosis can lead to apoplexy. A numbness in the head with dizziness, faster pulse, as well as stabbing and pressure around the heart are indications of this situation.
Aurum treats mood swings that often associated in these conditions. It also treats the essential or arteriosclerotic hypertonic circulatory situation with fear and shortness of breath. It harmonizes and restores a regular heartbeat. The substance also restores the disrupted digestive capabilities which further helps restore the patient back to health.
Carbo vegetabilis plays a key role in this complex by reducing the high (over) load of carbonic acid in the blood. It treats myocardial weakness, alleviates cardiac insufficiency and improves O2 utilization. It restores the proper exchange of gases that leads to a circulatory weakness and danger of collapse, as well as eliminates anomalies in the digestive organs and dyspeptic conditions in the stomach area as well.
Lachesis (also see CARDINORMA) is indicated for the treatment of latent and diagnosable septic blood conditions involved in the illness, or chronic infections. It also treats the fear and depression, and improves the patient¥s mood. Also stenocardia attacks such as myodegeneratio, myocarditis, endocarditis, angina pectoris, etc. are treated. Primarily this substance addresses the infectious developments in the vessels system, from which stems the danger of thrombus, or blood clot development.
Laurocerasus treats the weakness of the heart that is based upon mitral insufficiency. The tightness in the heart and feelings of suffocation when any kind of physical strain, are indications of this. The substance hinders cardio pulmonary insufficiency which, left unaddressed, can lead to circulatory collapse.
Tabacum specifically addresses vessel spasms in the cases of cerebral sclerosis and eliminates the sensation of the so-called vagovagal syndrome. To this belong symptoms such as heart fear, danger of collapse, heart pains projecting into the left arm (angina pectoris), rhythm disruptions, anomalies in temperature tone, nerve weakness with shaking and paresthetic feelings. It also reduces the danger of collapse.
Strophanthus improves coronary circulation, increases the systole and reduces the number of the pulse beats. Myodegeneratio cordis, decompensation, angina pectoris are all areas where this plant is useful. It has the important function of regulating the coronary and intestinal vessels. It expands the first and contracts the latter, so that a normalization of the blood pressure develops.
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