EPST:SSR by DesBio


Formerly Epstein Barr Virus Series Symptom Relief.

Homeopathic Indications: EPST:SSR is for temporary relief of symptoms related to Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) including exhaustion, mucous congestion and fatigue.

We recommend two Series Kits for the Basic Series Protocol. Each kit contains ten vials, each with a different dilution of the deactivated virus or bacteria the kit is intended to address. The vials are taken in series, ascending order (1 – 10) for the first 30 days of the protocol, then decreasing in order (10 -1) for the second 30 days.


  • Epstein-Barr Virus (16C, 18C, 20C, 24C, 30C, 45C, 60C, 100C, 200C, 400C)

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