THIAMEGA by Objective Nutrients


Thiamega provides a high dosage of vitamin B1 in four different forms, each possessing unique properties.

Three of these forms are synthetic derivatives originally developed in Japan and are known to possess much greater bio-availability compared with ordinary thiamine salts.

Benfotiamine, sulbutiamine and TTFD may increase brain levels of thiamine, support cognition and central nervous system function.

Thiamega provides a high dosage of vitamin B1 in four different forms, each possessing unique properties.

Three of these forms are synthetic derivatives originally developed in Japan and are known to possess much greater bio-availability compared with ordinary thiamine salts.

Benfotiamine is an S-acyl derivative of thiamine known for its ability to improve blood sugar management and support peripheral nerve function.

Sulbutiamine contains two molecules of thiamine bound together by a disulfide bond. Thiamine Tetrahydrofurfuryl Disulfide (TTFD) contains one thiamine molecule bound with a sulfur-mercaptan group, which provides it with unique properties.

The molecular structure of these three thiamine derivatives allows them to pass through intestinal and cellular membranes without the requirement for a transport system. Once inside the cell, they deliver thiamine which can be activated and used as a cofactor in important biochemical processes.

Benfotiamine, sulbutiamine and TTFD may increase brain levels of thiamine, support cognition and central nervous system function.

Each capsule delivers a total of 400mg of thiamine.

How to use

  • Start with one capsule per day in the morning with or without food. This can be increased to 5 capsules spread throughout the day to reach the maximum dose. It is advised not to exceed five capsules per day.
  • Avoid coffee/tea consumption either one hour before or two hours after.
  • Avoid taking this product in the afternoon/evening, as it may interfere with sleep.

Important information:

  • This product contains a high dosage of thiamine derivatives. It may therefore produce some temporary unwanted symptoms and side effects in people who are not accustomed to consuming high doses. This can include insomnia, anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration and brain-fog.
  • If symptoms persist for more than a few weeks, discontinue this supplement.
  • For those with sensitivity to sulfur-containing compounds, this product may not be suitable.

Who should take this product?

Thiamega is intended for people who have experience with taking thiamine in doses of 400mg or above, or who consume different thiamine derivatives separately. For people who have never taken thiamine before, this product is NOT advised. It is best to start with Thiamax or alternatively one of our B complexes (ThiActive B or Thiavite).

How many capsules shall I take to begin with?

Start at one capsule per day. To reach high dosages, up to five capsules can be taken per day.

When is the best time to take Thiamega?

Thiamega is best taken in the morning time or early afternoon. If taken in the evening, it may disrupt sleep. It should be taken at least 1 hour before, or two hours after consuming coffee and/or green and black tea.

Can I take it with food?

It is advised to take this product with a meal, but it can also be taken away from food.

What is the maximum dose?

It is advised not to exceed five capsules per day.

Are there any other supplements which should be taken with Thiamega?

It is advised to take a full spectrum B complex, such as ThiActive B or Thiavite, alongside this product. Furthermore, magnesium and other mineral co-factors are advised when supplementing with high doses of thiamine, each of which is included in our mineral formula ThiAssist.

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